Joseph M. Kemp

Founder & CEO of JMK & Co. 

Joseph M. Kemp graduated with his Juris Doctor & Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan, the #1 public university in the nation (Wall Street Journal, Times Higher Education, & QS World Rankings) and a Master’s in Education, as a triple-degree graduate student, from the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League university and the #1 graduate school of education in the country (US News & World Report). He earned his Bachelor's degree in philosophy from John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY) with Latin and departmental honors.

He is passionate about education and spreading his expertise to those who can benefit - and he has done this for the past decade tutoring students; teaching high schoolers, young adults, and college students; and mentoring graduate students who are climbing the ladders behind him. He has worked with 100s of students and this passion stems from his experiences as a first-generation college graduate, first-generation American, and someone from a low-income background.

Having worked at Google, Fidelity Investments, corporate law firms, venture capital firms, Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and a government organization as the youngest appointee ever to a public sector Executive Council, Joseph brings a host of experiences and expertise that can be utilized by the Type-A student & unconventional applicant.

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